tirsdag 4. september 2007

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves is possibly Deerstalkers favorite painting by John Everett Millais. The beauty of the young girls is set in contrast to the dying leaves. Youth, Millais tells us, is a passing thing. At best it can hope to grow old and die. It is a fundamentally pagan picture.

The painting is said to be inspired by at visit to Tennyson i 1854 and by his poem The Princess, from which the following lines are taken:

Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean.
Tears from the depth of some divine despair
Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes,
In looking on the happy Autumn-fields,
And thinking on the days that are no more.

There remains, though, the riddle of the eldest girls left hand. Why does it look like a demon claw? Millais was as close to a photographer as a painter can get, so there is no doubt that it is intended to look like that. But why?

2 kommentarer:

Tony sa...

Maybe he's not very good at hands, or she was wearing a glove on one hand to show off.

Deerstalker sa...

Millais was in many ways a rather dreadful painter, but he was good with every part of the human anatomy, including hands. But the glove is a fascinating thought. Anyway, it's a wonderful picture.